Boynton Primary School

From Little Acorns, Mighty Oaks Grow

Welcome to Class One

Mrs. Cooper is our teacher. Mrs. Findlay is our teaching assistant. 

Miss Catterill is a teaching assistant. 

Important class information

PE: This takes place on a Tuesday afternoon with Mrs Findlay. Please send your child with their PE kits in a named bag so they can get changed before the PE lesson. Please remove all jewellery and ensure long hair (boys and girls) is tied back. 

Autumn term will be dance and gymnastics inside, so please send a white t shirt and black shorts. They will do the lessons in bare feet. 

Please listen to your child regularly, at least 3 times a week, and record this in their reading record. Reading is about listening to your child, their fluency and their understanding, so please ask lots of questions and discuss the books together. I encourage you to read a wide range of other books too. Please feel free to write these in your reading record as well. 

We are following the Little Wandle phonics scheme in school. In school I will listen to your child read a decodable book 3 times a week. This book will be sent home on a Friday to read with parents, grandparents, aunts or uncles! We also visit the library on a Friday so your child can choose a book to bring home and enjoy. 

This will be given out on a Friday and will need to be completed and returned on a Thursday.

These are linked with the phonics and spelling rules your child is learning. They are handed out on a Friday and need to be returned on a Thursday. Please learn these at home.

Things to bring to school
* Water bottle * Named jumper/cardigan *Reading book and record * Named coat (weather appropriate) *Homework/spellings on Thursday

As always, please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. 


Spring 2025 – Nurturing nurses & The Weather

During this term will be learning about three wonderful nurses from the past, Florence Nightingale, Mary Seacole and Edith Cavell. We will look for similarities and differences between the 3 nurses.

We shall learn about weather, seasonal changes and weather patterns. We will explore weather across the world and compare it to weather in our local area.

In English we will write about the different nurses that we’ve learnt about in history. We will also write a weather report based on the different weather and weather patterns that we’ve learnt about.

In Maths we will continue to extend our knowledge of number using the Mastery Maths programme. In addition, we will be delving into fractions, time, shape, multiplication, addition and subtraction.

Phonics and Reading
In Class One, we will continue to follow the Little Wandle phonics programme for Year 1 and the Little Wandle spelling programme for Year 2. In addition, we will continue to listen to each child read three times a week to encourage fluency and comprehension.

In Science this term we will be learning about ‘everyday materials’ and learn about the properties, textures and uses of a large range of materials.

In Art, we will be exploring drawing and sculpture, focusing on human form. We will also be learning about healthy fruit snacks. First we will look at existing fruit snacks, then we will design our own before finally making out own healthy fruit snack.


Below are some photos of our exciting learning. 


World Book Day 

Streetlife Museum, Hull 

Rain gauges 

Weather reporting 

Christmas Parties! 

D&T - Musical instruments 

Music lessons 
