Boynton Primary School

From Little Acorns, Mighty Oaks Grow

Welcome to Class Two! 


Mrs Atkins is the Class Teacher and Miss Usher is the Class Teaching Assistant.


Class Information

  • PE: Thursday afternoon. Please send your child into school with their PE kits and remove any jewellery before, if they are unable to remove it themselves. 


  • Reading: Please remember to keep reading with your child every night. Even if they are able readers please ask them questions and discuss what they are reading. We would like children to read at least 4 times a week. Just a quick note in their reading record book, together with a parent/carer signature, will earn them rainbow rewards in school.  


  • Homework will be given out on a Thursday to be completed and returned by the following Wednesday. Please ensure your child completes all of their homework every week.   


  • Spellings:  Spellings are sent home on a Monday to be learnt for a test on Friday


We are excited to be back and starting the spring term by exploring...

The Romans!


We will begin our unit of work in Literacy focusing on the text 'Escape from Pompeii' by Christina Balit. It is a beautifully illustrated picture book, which will provide us with plenty to delve into the world of Pompeii! We will begin our writing with descriptive settings of the city of Pompeii and discuss what life would have been like for people living there at the time. This will give some historical context as well as adding extra dimensions to our Literacy work! As always, the children will continue to work on their punctuation, grammar and spellings with new skills being introduced or refined during lessons in order to enable all children to become confident writers. They will continue to practice spellings and reading daily in class. They will also focus on reading comprehension this half term.

We continue to encourage your support to make sure your child reads at home at least 4 times in a week and completes any homework/spelling practice set.


This term the children will become confident at place value, adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing large numbers, using both mental and written methods and be able to apply these skills to real-life word problems. They will work on shape which will enable them to compare, classify and name 2D and 3D shapes and identify lines of symmetry. We will use objects and numbers to show and calculate, order, compare and add fractions.

Maths Homework will be given out on Thursdays in order for the children to further practice new Maths skills taught in lessons, at home.  Homework should be returned by the following Wednesday. If your child requires further help or support, please speak to Mrs Atkins.


Children will learn about the Roman Empire and its impact on Britain. They will learn how life in Britain changed with the arrival of the Roman Armies. They learn about the Roman legacy – exploring those things that the Romans brought which affected our subsequent history. They study the cities, the rule of law, Roman numerals and the calendar we use today, and come to understand how many aspects of modern life can, in effect, be traced back in some way to the Romans.


The children will begin by identifying Italy and its major cities on a map and explore its physical geographical features (rivers, surrounding sea, mountains, volcanoes, climate). They will compare the physical geography of Boynton and Bridlington with that of Italy. During the lessons, the children will learn about where Rome is and how its surrounding physical geographical features affected The Romans ability to spread out/invade other countries. We will look closely at where Mount Vesuvius is and how its eruption has affected the Human Geography of the area.


Children will identify forces as a push or a pull that will create, or stop a movement. They will identify the forces in different situations noting that many need contact in order for the force to be applied. The children will be challenged to identify forces using an arrow or to discuss how forces can create movement in different situations. They will investigate how the texture of a surface affects how things move across them. They will be show how to use and read a force meter and conduct an experiment to measure the force it takes to move different objects. Children will be introduced to magnets, and how they can exert a force on certain objects without touching them. They will explore the different forces a magnetic field can exert, depending on which poles are facing each other. In their independent activities, they will show their understanding of this by using the correct scientific vocabulary. 


The children will explore Roman mosaics, drawing their attention to the geometric designs and borders. Children will practise their printing techniques so that they develop their skills. They will learn how to apply a thin, even layer in the tray and push the end of the printing roller into the paint. There will be many opportunities for children to develop their technique (of printing) including their control and use of materials (printing block, roller and tray). They will produce more intricate surface patterns/ textures and use them when appropriate.

Design and Technology - Children will experiment with circuits and switches before taking on the challenge of designing, making and evaluating their own alarm systems for particular purpose. The purpose will link with the topic of The Romans; can the children design an alarm to guard the Colosseum? 


Class 2 children have thoroughly enjoyed learning about new instruments. Children will also enjoy listening to, reviewing and evaluating music across a range of historical periods, genres, styles and traditions, including the works of great composers and musicians. 


To begin the term, the children will be learning all about E-safety and how to stay safe when online. The children will move on to developing their computing skills, using new software and equipment to create animations. We will also continue to practice our keyboard skills throughout the curriculum to record, present and enhance our work with pictures, creative texts and layouts.


The children will focus on 'Good to Be Me’, where they will learn the importance of self-respect and how this links to their own happiness. They will begin to understand that mental wellbeing is a normal part of daily life, in the same way as physical health. The children will learn that there are a normal range of emotions (e.g. happiness, sadness, anger, fear, surprise, nervousness) and scale of emotions that all humans experience in relation to different experiences and situations.


This term the children will be developing their understanding through fitness and develop skills and techniques in Football. The children will learn to work as a team, to move and pass with confidence as well as learn how to handle equipment safely.


The class will learn vocabulary of school places and objects. Children should be able to listen and respond to topic vocabulary, demonstrate understanding with actions, write sentences converting le/la to un/une as well as answer questions using the topic vocabulary. They will also have the opportunity to ask and answer questions using the topic vocabulary, from memory, begin to know if nouns from the topic are masculine or feminine. The children will also begin to learn French phonics, which will help them become more confident in pronouncing words as well as recognising words and spellings.

Religion and World Views

Our area of learning this term will be 'Communities'. This will build on the children’s understanding of who/what God is and develops their knowledge of a life devoted to God. The children will begin to think about what is meant by community, how diverse is the local community and why do people belong to different groups. They will also think about religion in the locality and try to compare daily life of a Christian child with that of a Muslim child.

Keep checking our page as we upload our photos of this term!