From Little Acorns, Mighty Oaks Grow
Useful Science Websites
Encourage your children to be questioners as these inquisitive instincts are vital to all areas of science. Make observations, both the natural world and the home environment is full of countless things to observe, from the changing of the seasons, the sound that fizzy pop bottle makes when you open to why does the TV remote not seem to work if I stand in the way? All these and countless more are opportunities to observe and do some real world science and it can really help children appreciate science is all round us not just in the classroom.
Why should I play science games with my child?
Science games and activities provide exciting ways to learn about how the world works, and if you're wondering how to make learning science fun, the answer is through learning games for kids, of course! Play can be full of scientific games… Science is all about observation and experimentation.
If any parents or children know of any great science websites that we haven't put on here, please let us know so we can add them for others to use.
The Museum is a world-class visitor attraction and leading science research centre and has excellent resources for school children in relation to the curriculum. It also has an online section dedicated to ‘Science in the Home’ where you'll find activities and ideas to occupy yourself and family at home, in your garden or local outdoor space. |
The James Dyson Foundation, introduces young people to the exciting world of engineering, encouraging them to think differently, make mistakes and realise their engineering potential. Dyson engineers have designed these challenges specifically for children. Ideal for home or in the classroom, they encourage inquisitive young minds to get excited about engineering. |
Science Kids is the online home of science & technology for children around the world where they can learn with their fun science experiments, cool facts, free games, activities, lesson plans, quizzes, videos, photos and science project ideas. |
Bitesize's family of sites help students aged between six to sixteen years with their learning and coursework and provide 'bitesized' interactive content, video and audio summaries. It is also continually reviewed to keep up with the curriculum. |
NASA Kid’s Club provides a safe place for children to play as they learn about NASA and its missions. On this site, you will find games of various skill levels which support national education standards in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics). |
Wow Science was created by Primary Science Teaching Trust (PSTT) and provides links to the best primary science learning materials on the web, helping children to enjoy science both inside and outside the classroom. The resources, which cover a broad range of science subjects and are suitable for all primary ages, can be an excellent tool for teachers, students and their parents. |
Children’s stories provide a great context for learning science. Explore these resource packages based around popular children’s books and discover the science hidden in a book. Resources include book summaries, hints and tips for teaching the science and further stories on a similar theme. |