From Little Acorns, Mighty Oaks Grow
blue polo shirt
school logo jumper or cardigan, school fleece for outdoors
black, grey, navy or white socks or tights
sensible black or brown school shoes
In the summer term and the first half of the Autumn term, blue checked dresses may be worn or grey or black tailored shorts. During the summer months children may wear school baseball caps for sun protection. If parents prefer not to purchase schools caps children are required to wear a plain blue/black cap.
PE Kit: Navy or black shorts
Plain white t-shirt
Track suit in the colder winter months
Hooded sweatshirt for outdoor games – please note these should not be worn in class
The school has:
Our uniform can be bought from K&A Sales, Prospect Street, Bridlington
or can be ordered online
We also have a selection of good quality, second-hand uniform available at school. For more information please contact the school office.